(858) 672-3100 | MON - FRI: 08:00 - 05:00 PM

How to prepare for Halloween in an HOA neighborhood

Putting together costumes, choosing which candy you want to hand out, and decorating the exterior of your home are all some of the fun lead-ups to the celebration of Hallow’s Eve– the spooky celebration more commonly referred to as Halloween. However, if you live in an HOA community, there are a few other things to […]

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Is Your HOA Prepared for their Reserve Study?

Now is the time for your HOA to prepare for their reserve study. It is essential to conduct these routine assessments and ensure there are sufficient financial reserves for unexpected expenses in their neighborhood community. Unanticipated expenses can include a giant tree falling onto the roof of one of your community’s structures, a main water […]

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Preparing Your Landscaping

As summer is already upon us, it is a good idea for residents to assess their landscaping needs and determine if their landscaping meets their community’s HOA’s guidelines, while simultaneously being cognizant of water conservation. This is especially important due to California’s ongoing drought problem. Here are some helpful summer landscaping tips for residents to […]

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HOA Summer Preparations For Your Neighborhood Community

It may not feel like it yet, but summer is right around the corner and it’s the perfect time for an HOA to start preparing for their neighborhood’s community spring cleaning to gear up for the summer. Warmer weather, BBQs, family gatherings, and prolonged hours of sunlight lend many residents to enjoy more of the […]

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Five Reasons Why You Should Hire an HOA Management Company

Most communities with an HOA have residents who are overwhelmingly satisfied with where they live. An effective HOA can have a huge impact on its community. Hiring the right HOA management company to guide your board will ensure success with the residents’ quality of life. To have an effective HOA, you need to have an […]

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How To Create An HOA Newsletter

Creating a newsletter is a fun and easy way to communicate with the residents, disseminate information, send reminders, and generate a sense of neighborliness among the community. You will want your newsletter to be engaging so that the community members take the time to read it. This will mean creating a newsletter that is interesting, […]

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Five Benefits of Living in an HOA Community

A lot of people think of an HOA as nothing more than a body that simply sets community rules and collects monthly dues from residents. However, having an HOA is beneficial to any community. Below are five reasons why living in an HOA community is beneficial. 1) Well-Maintained Common Areas and Amenities Without an HOA, […]

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Creating an HOA Calendar

Being an HOA member can be a more time-consuming task than you may expect. With meetings, deadlines, elections, budgeting planning, and everything else that goes into being a part of the HOA, you can find yourself overwhelmed trying to balance the deadlines and dates of an HOA on top of living your normal life. One […]

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